Thursday, June 26, 2014

At the Restaurant

  • Watch the following video from 01:48 to 03:00 

  • Now, say what the man ordered to eat. You may watch the video again.

Let's remember:

These are functions related with getting served and with ordering food in a restaurant:

Making offers (serving)
  • May I help you?
  • Can I take your order, please?
  • Would you like something to drink?
  • Would you like a dessert?
Making requests (ordering)
  • I'd like to have the menu
  • I'd like to have a bowl of chicken soup, please
  • I'd like to have my bill
  • I'd like to have a glass of wine

Now, let's use Skype!

Log in on Skype using your account and find a classmate which is online. You with the partner you chose will play the role of a waitress or a costumer in a restaurant using the functions previously saw. One has to be the waitress and the other the costumer.

Let's pretend you are in a restaurant context.

Ask your teacher, who is going to be passing around checking the progress of the activity, if you have any doubts regarding connections on Skype, checking the microphone and headphones, doubts about functions, etc.

Note: Adapted from here.

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